we know that Albert Einstein is credited with saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." and how true that is!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Bob Schulz
Date: September 17, 2009 12:44:40 AM EDT
Subject: [WTP] First CC2009 "Money Bomb" on Constitution Day Sept. 17th
September 16, 2009
First CC2009 "Money Bomb" is Tomorrow:
Constitution Day, Thursday Sept. 17th
Independence Hall, Philadelphia |
On September 17th, 1787 our founders signed the final draft of the Constitution.
Tomorrow, September 17th, 2009, we ask everyone to rise in defense of this divinely inspired document by participating in the first "CC2009 Money Bomb" event to help finance the Continental Congress 2009 event.
Our target is to raise $250,000 tomorrow in the 24 hours beginning 12:01 am Thursday. This amount represents only a $20 donation from 12,500 Freedom defenders.
We ask everyone to give what they can in support of CC2009. Donations of any size can be made through our secure donation system here. Donations which qualify for the free pure silver (.999) CC2009 medallions can be made here. Donations may be fully tax-deductible.
Note that we still need to raise almost $2M to adequately produce and host the historic, two week Continental Congress 2009 event convening on Sunday, November 9th. Although we have managed to meet our minimal contractual obligations for the venue thus far (approximately $100,000), we need to rapidly escalate our funding of this important initiative if CC2009 is to become a reality and for us to bring news of the event and the live event proceedings to the American People. We have an additional venue contract payment of $150,000 due on October 10th. But beyond the basic venue costs, lodging and food for the 153 Delegates (as well as limited staff and event speakers), we have to fund significant expenses including professional and technical services, media purchases, live webcast production and streaming, and myriad other logistics associated with the event.
Everyone on this email list has been receiving news about CC2009 for many months. It's time to decide the value of your Liberty. It is time to decide if your Constitution is worth defending. It's time to decide if your Constitution is worth defending through peaceful means. And, it's time to finally decide if you will support perhaps the single viable solution (outside the paradigm of election politics) that has been brought forth to peacefully restore Constitutional Order: Continental Congress 2009. The time to manifest CC2009 has arrived!
Rise with us in defense of our Constitution and the Light of Liberty and donate tomorrow:
Donate here and receive FREE .999 pure silver CC2009 commemorative medallions ($50 and $100 minimum donations, no limits on number of coins)
Donate here for any size donation. Donations can also be made via mail or PayPal.
Please send this "CC2009 Money Bomb" notice to all your contacts and ask that they do the same. Donations may be fully tax-deductible.
For more information on the "CC2009 Money Bomb" and Continental Congress 2009, please visitwww.GiveMeLiberty.org.