Regarding the article:
Christians must reclaim Jesus from his church.
Christians must reclaim Jesus from his church.
- Peter Wehner
While I find some fragments of truth within this article, I must first make mention of the glaring falsehood which is presented ad nauseam among collectivists on both sides of the so called political “left” & “right” — that [nearly] all of the nation’s present ills are resultant from the Trump administration.
Even if it the statement were partially true it would still not be comical in the least for having grown very old and tiresome, yet comes as expected from an author whose articles from last year all smack of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, and who writes for none other than the NY Times.
Why should anyone dare criticize Trump supporters when everyone (except for Rand Paul) in the Republican primaries exemplified as typical collectivists? This was after various globalists around the world suddenly came down with the same TDS mental illness which alone fueled my support for him.
And then of course in the general election the masses had to choose between Trump and Hillary. Certainly, Mr. Wehner must to some degree fathom the sound rationale for voting against Hillary Clinton.
Yet TDS must be a most powerful mental illness, because some who seem to be alert still didn’t seem to get it. I was asked by at least one individual who knew I had been an outspoken supporter of Ron Paul’s campaigns how I could ever think about supporting Trump.
My answer is elementary: if there’s a 50% chance of Trump working toward passing into Civi Law firearm confiscations and vaccination mandates (yes, these were both issues prior to 2020), and a 100% chance of Hillary doing so, the matter is a no brainer.
Further, anyone who even suggests calling the Jan 6 protest an “insurrection” that was inspired by Trump, Alex Jones, or anyone who disagrees with at least some of the mainstream collectivist narratives is definitely a major part of this nation's problems. For these are the very same who supported violent thugs aligned with collectivist groups like BLM or Antifa, rather than someone like Kyle Rittenhouse who was merely trying to protect private property from arsonists and vandals, and then was forced to protect his own life from such murderous thugs.
Rittenhouse was only doing what Law Enforcement are lawfully supposed to do — protect the individual Natural Rights of everyone. However, he was falsely slandered as a “villain” by the F-MSM in like manner as they did with Trump.
Perhaps in the future the mental illness “TDS” which remains widespread among collectivists will be broadened to be more accurately known as “TRUTH Derangement Syndrome”, because collectivists cannot handle the TRUTH.
Perhaps collectivists are allergic to truth, because I find it most telling that in nearly all such articles, from both so called “liberals” and “conservatives”, deafeningly absent is any mention whatsoever about the real cause of Neo-Amerika’s ills — the ignorance of Natural Rights principles and the lacking thereof within Civil Law.
Perhaps everyone ought to ask themselves, including and especially the author Peter Wehner, why anyone would assume people with common sense and rational thinking would NOT react in anger after over a century of Natural Rights violations and usurpations by the very STATE which had been legally sworn to protect and uphold them.
And after all, any discerning student of the Bible understands that while Messiah came as a lamb, He returns as a lion, not to “play nice” with those who perpetrate such wickedness, but to entirely destroy all these corrupt and wicked nations of this present and temporary world.
While God is slow to anger, perpetual abuses of His children by hypocritical and deceptive tyrants certainly kindles His righteous anger. In fact, the Bible has a term related to a time dedicated to the ultimate climax of God’s anger — “judgement day”.
Considering that even many who are not Bible savvy have heard of this, why would anyone expect followers of Christ to be entirely devoid of anger when witnessing perpetually continued attacks upon our God-given Natural Rights? Consider especially that such attacks have been occurring exponentially since at least the War for Centralized Tyranny (aka: “Civil War”).
Besides the myriad of Natural Rights violations/usurpations which have occurred in the 20th century, in recent years We the People have witnessed the growing tyranny from nearly the entire so called political “left” and at least half of the so called political “right” in the areas of:
1. Ineffective health/medical mandates involving masks and “vaccines” which are NOT “safe & effective”;
2. Red Flag Laws which only serve to confiscate firearms while putting the lives of both citizen and law enforcement in unnecessary danger; and
3. Blatant and widespread election fraud.
The most recent tyrannical activity now includes censorship of anyone who disagrees with the mainstream narratives being perpetually advanced by the very deceptive F-MSM. Some politicians even advocate for a complete cancellation of the unvaccinated, prohibiting We the People who trust not the STATE and its sponsored BIG PHARMA from not only traveling, but also shopping and banking.
Now there’s evil conspiracy genius at its finest: create legislation which nearly perfectly fulfills the Biblical “Mark of the Beast” prophecies, and then criticize Christians for getting justifiably angry with those who have done so!
As a bonus, while silencing all other scientific opinions to the contrary, push a “follow the science” narrative by those who cannot even accurately acknowledge the most fundamental science of all: biology!
Based upon the tone of this article, the author seems to believe that Christians are supposed to remain calm, turn the other cheek, and play along nicely with those who advance such wickedness?!? I THINK NOT!!! Again, our Savior is returning as a lion with His followers at His side in the final war to end all wars when all wickedness along with the wicked will be destroyed.
Another point of science which humans are being told to reject according to the false concept of so called “Critical Race Theory” is the fact that all humans belong to ONE race/species: humankind.
While many recent collectivist concepts sound as if they come from a planet far beyond our Milky Way Galaxy, everyone ought to realize we’ve been accurately referring to ourselves for millennia as the “human race”, and that only in very recent times have the words “race/species” been used interchangeably with “ethnicity”.
Perhaps such willful ignorance should not be overly surprising, considering that in spite of fully knowing the Earth to be a globe for far longer than the government school’s history books divulge, the “Flat Earth” contingent continues to exist.
Equally embarrassing for the human race are the mandates for accepting certain mental illnesses as part of this “new normal” we are expected to embrace. Not only must government school teachers risk losing their jobs for refusing to play the insane pronoun game with students who “identify” with a gender they don’t belong, but they now must also likewise tolerate students who identify as animals.
Yet, those of us with a sound mind and logical reasoning are supposed to swallow all of this extreme insanity without growing angry to the point of outrage? SERIOUSLY???
It may come as a total shock to some that not every Christian is a programmable zombie who believes every word from the mouths of politicians, BIG PHARMA executives raking in untold wealth for pushing their sorceries (or “pharmakeia”, Revelation 18:23), or even their pastors.
When there are those advancing their own religion whose fundamental commission is to “agree or die”, we Christians who don’t check our brains at the sanctuary door understand that turning the other cheek doesn’t always apply in extreme situations.
Should devout Muslims invade my property demanding worship of Allah else die, I would certainly not make their attempted murder easy for them; likewise, should NAZI-esque thugs in “POLICE” costumes invade my property demanding worship of the STATE. Anyone who presumes Christians ought to embrace martyrdom without any resistance whatsoever in either such case certainly doesn’t clearly understand the war between good vs. evil.
As found in the book of Ecclesiastes, there IS a time for war, and unless one has their head entirely buried in the sand, one ought to recognize that there has been a incrementally growing war waged against the people for a very long time.
I’m certainly not suggesting we Christians take up arms against the beast, as that would be foolish. There is little to no solidarity in Natural Rights principles among Americans regardless of their religious/philosophical beliefs, thus any such revolution would be a disaster.
However, as time marches on it becomes evident that Alex Jones has been 100% correct from the onset of InfoWars: there really is a war perpetually waging for our minds. From my perspective that war has already largely been won by the collectivists and it’s now only a matter of time before We the People will have no other choice but to act in self-defense, in protection of the Natural Rights our Creator has individually bestowed upon us all, for many of us will to no longer bow down to the gods of men.
Do those who have been indoctrinated into Collectivism have trouble stomaching this? Well consider this quote stated by the only US President I know of who was publicly critical of the Federal Reserve and its fiat currency fractional banking system run by a cartel of private bankers since 1913:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” — JFK
I cannot recall any truer words spoken by a world leader!
Any effective unified peaceful opposition to the continued corruption and tyranny is largely impossible because the masses have been indoctrinated into the false “left/liberal” vs. “right/conservative” political dichotomy. This is largely due to the STATE school system having been designed after the Prussian educational model which produces a citizenry that is subservient to the STATE. Had Americans reunited around Natural Rights principles decades ago, perhaps the unraveling of this government and society might have been postponed to some degree.
Should there be any real surprise that common people who to a degree honor Natural Rights principles would after a point erupt with some form of righteous anger toward a corrupt STATE that perpetually violates them? Because most every single Christian value/principle IS under attack and has been for a lot longer than most people think.
Critics of those provoked to such justified angst might recall it was after a long chain of similar abuses that the colonists recognized England’s overreach of its just authority — gun confiscations being the last straw, BTW — sparking the American Revolutionary War. Such tyrannical overreach enacted over the people didn’t end very well for the despots of those times, and won’t end well for collectivists in these times either.
The discerning mind ought to recognize that we Christians who honor Natural Rights principles have been getting slapped in both cheeks now for our entire lives by a fully corrupted STATE that doesn’t even follow its own Civil Law, but rather allows it to be continually and gradually corrupted over time.
Islam is no longer the dominant religion which demands unto death complete acceptance and adherence to its beliefs, for now it has been outshined by STATE-ism — the beast religion of the last days.
Not just one specific Christian denomination has failed to heed the Biblical principles, for the masses even among believers have largely replaced the worship of God with the worship of STATE (for worship = faith + obedience). In like manner as the kings of ancient civilizations demanded to be worshipped as gods, “science” is whatever the STATE and its sponsors say it is on a daily basis, with dissidents now being silenced and labeled as “terrorists” by the very domestic terrorists perpetrating the corruption and tyranny.
The article quotes one senior pastor, Scott Dudley, as stating “politics has become our idolatry”. I don’t believe he is in error there, however, he goes on to allege that “Christianity took over the Roman empire and once Christians gained power they became the angry persecutor”.
That’s funny, because not only did Jesus make clear in His conversation with Pilot that His kingdom was not of this world, the very apostles that Christ commissioned to spread to the nations the gospel of both the risen Messiah and coming kingdom were most all murdered for their faith, which allowed imposters to assume false Christian leadership roles in creating the “Holy Roman Empire”, which soon became the Roman “universal” church who elected (along with her daughters around a millennium later) to ignore various aspects of God’s Word.
Any honest student of Biblical history knows that it was the RCC who taught against the commanded sacred appointed times of worship, replacing them with non-Biblical days of worship tied to paganism, one of which even incorporates bunnies that lay eggs.
Certainly no one can honestly see the “face of Jesus” in celebrations involving egg-laying bunnies, or for that mater decorated trees at a time of year in which Christ wasn’t even born. Specifically regarding these and other various erroneous doctrines which blatantly ignore Biblical commandments of God, Christ Himself would likely be hard pressed to see His own face in any of the mainstream churches, regardless of diverse political opinions among the brethren.
In seeking to follow Biblically commanded sound doctrine above tradition, could individual Christians among the various denominations improve in the area of dispensing with condemnation while showing the love of the Father and His Son to the rest of the world? Yes, most definitely!
Yet, Messiah’s true church doesn’t belong to any worldly organization claiming itself as being “Christian”, for God’s Word actually says people are known by the fruit they bear, good or bad.
Just because an individual self-identifies as a member of the opposite gender — or an animal — that doesn’t mean they are.
Just because a nation self-identifies as promoting freedom because of it’s long standing name or flag, that doesn’t mean its Civil Law honors Natural Rights principles which maximize peace, prosperity, and liberty.
And just because a collective self-identifies as being part of Christ’s Church because it bears the name tag of “Christian”, that doesn’t mean it is.
Christians must reclaim Jesus by rejecting the sins of both the corrupted church and STATE.
In Christ & in liberty,
bernard baruch carman
- truth seeker/seeder • audio engineer • musician
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