Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The China Convergence & Conspiracy Hydra

The China Convergence


so much important data to consider in this thought provoking article.  i’m very glad there was at least one mention of one Natural Right (Self-Governance)... in the last paragraph.  the widespread failure of placing paramount importance upon such principles of truth in every likewise thoughtfully crafted article, is in and of itself a major “red flag” indicating just how removed every human government is from establishing a society which maximizes peace, prosperity, and liberty.

i find the term “managerialism” somewhat comical.  i suppose there’s a near endless pool of terms which equate to the philosophy of Collectivism.  interesting how hardly anyone elects to use the actual term, other than those who champion the diametrically opposed philosophy of Individualism, like G. Edward Griffin.

but perhaps even more comical to me is the entirely unreachable lofty goal tasked of humankind:

“It’s in my view now clear that humanity’s great task of the 21st century remains fundamentally the same as that left unfinished in the battles of the 20th: to reawaken and reassert the flame of the human spirt and reclaim its tradition of and natural right to self-governance.”

when considering the “human spirit” over the last, oh let’s say just 2000 years, is there really exemplified a “tradition of and natural right to self-governance”?  really?!?  i’m certainly no history expert, but even disregarding the ~4000 years of human government prior, i cannot think of many kingdoms which allowed for the unalienable Right of Self-Governance, let alone any other individual Natural Rights.

even if one is speaking of “America”, upon merely a shallow but honest study into its own history one must concede that starting with the Whisky Rebellion there has been a gradually exponential trend of the STATE violating and/or usurping every single unalienable Creator-given individual Natural Right — exemplifying the exact opposite of its duty to protect such in governing a “free people”.

therefore, to even suggest humanity has had any kind of “*tradition* of and Natural Right to Self-Governance” appears to be an extremely far stretch of the imagination.  to further suggest that there is any hope whatsoever in humankind offering remedy appears as a fools errand, doubly so when considering the fact that current generations are consumed with embracing the depraved mental health condition of gender confusion and a host of other demonic sexual perversions.

for anyone paying attention with even a modicum of spiritual and/or even mental discernment, recent years have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that TRUTH & JUSTICE is no longer even a goal of neo-humanity.  the masses have been largely given over to a reprobate mind & spirit which will gladly volunteer its physical to the “gods” of BIG PHARMA and the fully corrupt tyrannical STATE.  if “worship” = faith + obedience, then the overwhelming masses among humanity of this evil world have voluntarily elected to worship the god-STATE, rather than the Creator God.

AGREED: humanity is up against a conspiracy hydra, but it has a supernatural hierarchy for we really don’t wrestle with flesh and blood.  yet, humanity itself over its ~6000 year existence has served to foster this beast, soon to be destroyed during judgement day.

good intentions are admirable, however, often entirely unreasonable and even fantastical.  the wise and pragmatic approach might be to rather consider the actual reality of the situation and prepare oneself accordingly: physically, mentally, and spiritually.


bernard baruch carman

- truth seeker/seeder • audio engineer • musician

- SeedsOfTruth∞LibertyNatural Rights Coalitioninfinitygames

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