I’m the Longest-Serving Republican in the Iowa Legislature, and I’m Switching Parties
There are times when you have to follow the dictates of your conscience. For me, that time has come.
There are times when you have to follow the dictates of your conscience. For me, that time has come.
What a bunch of complete bunk! … and being Buncombe County residents where the term came from, we ought to know *bunk* when we hear it! 8-)
Yet being deceived, the collectivist masses will largely purchase Iowa’s House Representative Andy McKean's lame reasoning for this political bait & switch in Iowa — running on one of the partisan duopoly tickets, winning, and then violating one’s promises to one’s constituency in typical turncoat fashion.
While so exemplifying such a blatant lack of principles, he has the nerve to then attempt shifting the rationale and blame for his deceiving his Iowan constituents squarely upon the corrupted party he chose to be part of to begin with — knowing full well the climate in which one was getting into — and he expects everyone to believe him to be speaking honestly? … SERIOUSLY???
This “holier than thou” attitude which Andy McKean exemplifies should be comical to any liberty minded individual who sees past the political deception of the Neo-Amerikan false ideological paradigm and recognizes the fact that the partisan duopoly has for at least a century entirely abandoned the Natural Rights principles upon which America was originally founded.
Let’s just take a moment to unravel the deceptive claims of this bureaucrat who claims to be acting in principle accordance to his conscience.
"I believe that it is just a matter of time before our country pays a heavy price for President Donald Trump’s reckless spending and shortsighted financial policies; his erratic, destabilizing foreign policy; and his disdain and disregard for environmental concerns.”
Reckless spending and shortsighted financial policies: like every US President since Woodrow Wilson’s administration passed both the so called “Income Tax” 16th Amendment. and the Departments of Commerce & Labor — thus violating and usurping the Creator-given Natural Rights to Property and the Fruit of One’s Labor, to Free Market Commerce and Private Contract, and to Privacy.
His erratic, destabilizing foreign policy: like every US President’s administration since WWII which has allowed the perpetuation of illegal wars without victory conditions (endless wars).
His disdain and disregard for environmental concerns: like the US Federal Government has exemplified in spades during the 20th (and now in the 21st) Century not only by its entire Military Industrial Complex in general which has and continues to commit gross contamination of soil and water throughout the world, but also by its sponsors BIG PHARMA and BIG AGRO which are given legal authority to poison Americans even before they are born.
However, we are to led to believe by Andy McKean that none of these atrocities have occurred prior to the Trump administration, and that the current legislative body is so very different than the one in which he once served. Of course, to independent thinkers not so deceived by the false partisan paradigm, all this is most laughable. He goes on...
"Furthermore, he [Trump] sets a poor example for the nation and our children. He delivers personal insults, often in a crude and juvenile fashion, to those who disagree with him, and is a bully at a time when we’re attempting to discourage bullying, on- and offline. I believe that his actions have coarsened political discourse, contributing to unprecedented polarization and creating a breeding ground for hateful rhetoric and actions.”
… as if the mainstream media has not been polarizing the false political discourse for decades now! In recent years, mainstream news “commentators” (as they cannot honestly be called journalists any longer), especially among the so called “political left”, have been openly and specifically inciting violence through their rhetoric. Yet, all this goes incidentally unnoticed, or deliberately ignored, while he embraces the mindless mainstream mantra of the day routinely prepared for consumption by the collectivist masses.
No Mr. McKean, jumping from one of the fully corrupted sides of the false political dichotomy to the other does not indicate to the individual thinkers among this collectivist society that you are acting according to principles of conscience in response to suddenly recognizing the corruption within your own political party.
Rather, having certainly known the current political climate before jumping back into the swamp, we recognize this calculated bait & switch for what it is — typical bureaucratic deceit via political maneuvering. Well played — the masses throughout the nation will largely never even recognize that they were the ones who were!
However, you’re certainly not fooling those of us who have been for some time now seeing past such political deceit. After more than a century of tyrannical collectivist ideology being embraced by the STATE, many of us have actually come to expect nothing less from such politicians who represent special interests rather than acting as bastions of Natural Law, as was intended by the American founders.
Being an independent thinker and "Natural Rights Libertarian”, I’m certainly no “Trump worshipper” (in like manner as an “Obama worshipper”, this is one who cannot handle criticism of a man whom one believes can do no wrong). Therefore, I do not write this letter in defense of Donald Trump, but rather to further shed light upon the long running political deceit which continues to divide the People.
However, as Americans continue to gradually wake up from their slumber to the political deception of the partisan duopoly — in spite of the continued attacks upon our Natural Right to Free Speech by STATE sanctioned BIG TECH — more individuals will come to recognize such political deceit in which you have engaged, regardless whether or not We the People can do anything at all to change this seemingly perpetual course of total economic and societal collapse.
As one Dan McGrail of Cedar Rapids put it in response to Adam Sullivan's article “Make the GOP great again” published in Iowa’s own Gazette, “… I believe he [Adam Sullivan] missed the most important point. That Iowa House seat McKean occupies belongs not to him, but to the people of his district. Certainly a minority, and probably a majority, of his votes in the last election were cast due to him running as a Republican. If he wishes to change parties now, the honorable and ethical thing to do is to resign and run as a Democrat in a replacement election. McKean seems to believe the House seat belongs to him to do with what he wants. This shows a certain arrogance, and a lack of respect for democratic values."
Andy McKean should be ashamed of himself enough to repent of his actions, do the honorable and ethical thing in resigning, and then if he actually gets re-elected ought to perform the proper and primary just function of his office, and the office of every public servant employed by the People: to protect the unalienable Natural Rights of the Individual through the Rule of Law.
All those who do not understand this truth are in no way fit to hold an official position in government — PERIOD.
bernard baruch carman
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