Saturday, October 24, 2009

Finally A Sensible Gun Registration Plan That Will Work

a savvy twist on sensible gun registration -- i love it! make the non-gun owners pay their fair share!
bernard baruch carman
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- seeker of truth / seeder of truth •∞Liberty
- infinity games ∞ infinity solutions ∞ audio/Mac specialist
Finally A Sensible Gun Registration Plan That Will Work
Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as Vermont 's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere. Maslack recently proposed a bill to register "non-gun-owners" and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun. Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second Amendment as not only affirming the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as a clear mandate to do so. He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals. Vermont 's constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who are "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent." Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves, so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise." Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is not prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says. Vermont already boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state .. it's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation. "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." This makes sense! There is no reason why gun owners should have to pay taxes to support police protection for people not wanting to own guns. Let them contribute their fair share and pay their own way!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


OK folks, here's an apparently new wonderful tyrannical law created by this General Assembly of NC, Session 2009! (details below my signature.)
i'm not entirely sure whether or not these NC State House & Senate email addresses actually go to the inboxes of "our representatives", but i am BCC'ing this message to one of them who i know more personally in hopes they will make sure our voices are heard.
KEEP IT UP NC General Assembly!
how long do you people running ruining our country and protecting destroying our freedoms think it's going to be before you provoke an all out second American revolution and are all hung for treason for blatantly usurping our Creator-given unalienable rights and violating the Constitution?
oh, i can figure that by continuing to gradually advance socialism & fascism (aka: tyranny) here a little and there a little, it will probably still take several more years before the indoctrinated public becomes that overwhelmingly fed up with over-regulation -- heck, your ilk of bureaucrats have twisted the very meaning of "regulate" when it was included in our Constitution at the onset of America's founding.
or do you really think it is possible to endlessly advance tyranny without your -- or your children/grandchildren -- ever suffering any repercussions from your actions at all? surely you cannot be that foolish, can you?
and i'm so very happy that due to your draconian legislation in all your wisdom, that our local law enforcement is spending so much of their recent energies in cracking down on such dangerous criminals such as this lady who cannot probably afford to open her own commercial shop and has been operating out of her car buying and selling gold & silver. oh boy howdy, can i sleep safer now!
you know, many oppressed citizens over the history of mankind have been deceived: it's not primary the law enforcement that is to blame for the horrid state of a nation when it has squandered its freedoms -- it is the self-serving bureaucrats in government to blame.
you need more money for your precious budgets which are bloated with pork and appropriations for all sorts of things outside of the proper role and jurisdiction of government, so you merely wield your mighty pen and with a simple stroke you enact a new law which warrants heavier and stricter taxation upon whatever group you might be able to get away with burdening so.
so no, i don't really fault our local law enforcement at all for carrying out the law -- i fault YOU who are by oath supposed to be protecting the liberties of Americans here in NC, and your anti-American partisan politics wherein your true allegiance lies!
if you didn't allow tyrannical laws to remain on the books -- like the forced annexation law which everyone loathes, apparently except for you bureaucrats -- people wouldn't view you as a bunch of deceivers and hypocrites!
you do know that is how the overwhelming majority of Americans view you, right? that is why there is generally such a low percentage of ALL Americans who turn out to vote. the majority of Americans know the nature of most politicians never changes. regardless, the way We the People view you is all up to YOU and the actions you take while you are holding office.
i'm obviously thoroughly disgusted in hearing that you have now chosen to steal from those who have decided to venture into the gold & silver markets -- people who thought it wise to deal with REAL coins rather than the fraudulent funny money ILLEGALLY issued by the ILLEGAL Federal Reserve.
that's OK, those who know the TRUTH also know that liberty can not be destroyed.
BTW, perhaps you should also know that we in the greater liberty movement have true American allies in government as well as you tyrants, in both the military and law enforcement, who take their oaths of office to protect and defend Americans and our liberties from enemies foreign and domestic SERIOUSLY!
if you have not yet heard about them, you might want to do your homework: -- the Oathkeepers are on our side... that is the side of LIBERTY!
so you had better be careful how far into the reaches of tyranny you elect to wield your pens!
as always, in liberty...
bernard baruch carman
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- seeker of truth / seeder of truth •∞Liberty
- infinity games ∞ infinity solutions ∞ audio/Mac specialist
(inspired to share upon having the following email conversation)

From: Asheville Daily Planet <>

Date: October 22, 2009 3:45:22 PM EDT

Subject: Re: Don't try to buy precious metals without a permit!


Yes, I've talked with dealers who have talked to the APD about this new law that, somehow, nobody knew about.

I also have a copy of the statute, which requires a $180 permit and nobody's sure — including the APD — of how much the also-mandated $10,000 surety bond costs.

This is from the lengthy document General Assembly of North Carolina, Session 2009. It is listed as Section Law 2009-482, House Bill 1637 as starts as follows:

"An act to modernize the record keeping of precious metals purchases by dealers, to subject all dealers in precious metals to similar record-keeping requirements, to increase precious metals permitting fees, to require that a criminal history record check be conducted on employees of precious metals dealers, and to make various other changes to the precious metals permitting statues...."

The upshot is that the AC-T story left out, according to the ADP, that the Weaverville woman was buying scrap gold and silver from her car. If she had had a shop, which likely would have been licensed, they would have warned her or not chosen to make an example of her as a warning to others. However, even the coin shop owners often don't have this permit and the bond, so they are scrambling.

The APD officer told a reliable area coin dealer that this crackdown — only on buying and selling scrap precious metals (and not coins at this moment) — is happening because the government needs money and sees this as a loophole that can be taxed. The APD officer said everyone should expect this to be a growing trend, eventually covering the buying and selling of everything.

Don't breathe too hard, either, Bernard, because there next may be an oxygen tax. Do you have a permit to breathe?

I knew you would be particularly interested in this because all of the coin dealers with whom I have spoken about this feel it is a textbook example of creeping government intrusion. Also, some local dealers think the government especially wants to discourage activity in gold, silver and other precious metals because it wants people to be totally dependent on fiat currency, which it controls and ultimates is — or will be — worthless.

You ought to invite this woman to a Liberty Asheville or LP Buncombe meeting, or both. It'd be intriguing to hear her comments — and have a Q&A. If she can't or won't come, it'd be interesting for LA or LP to host an APD detective to explain what's going on ... I think everyone would get a kick out of this.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:19 PM, bernard b carman wrote:

i would presume this has more to do with the mandate of government, over what would otherwise be a free market to do business, that individuals who wish to practice any kind of business, including purchase and resale, have the appropriate permit in which to do so, because We the People no longer have such a right to do business freely without government "regulation".

however, without seeing the actual State statute, i can only presume this is the case. perhaps there is something extra regulatory regarding precious metals.


bernard baruch carman


On Oct 20, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Asheville Daily Planet wrote:


Did you read this story in the Oct. 17 edition of the Citizen-Times?

Thought it might be of great interest to you. Everyone with whom I've discussed this is stunned. They feel this is a major infringement on personal freedom. Nobody I know has such a permit, or knew that it was required.

Please advise your position(s).


Woman charged in sting involving precious metals

A Weaverville woman was charged by Asheville police on Oct. 16 with trying to buy precious metals online without a permit.

Posing as jewelry sellers, Asheville police responded to a Craigslist ad in which the woman had posted her interest in buying any unwanted or broken jewelry, according to police.

Crystal Wiggins Laws, 35, was charged with fraud.

State law prohibits anyone to act as a dealer in the purchase of precious metals without getting a permit for the business from a local law enforcement agency.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Health Care Options? How About Let's Ask the Doctors! 8-)

gee, what a novel idea! if we want to know what is wrong with the current health care system, why the hell would we ask politicians and lawyers?
how much good have politicians and lawyers done to fix anything? yet, like a bunch of foolish children with no wisdom whatsoever, We the People continue to look for answers from them!
i'm not necessarily a fan of Glenn Beck, primarily because i trust media personalities almost as little as politicians and lawyers, but he had a pretty good idea in getting a bunch of doctors (and med school students) together in a room and have a discussion about alternatives to socialized health care, and what we can expect from it if this administration elects to pass it:
if you are not already deceived into thinking that politicians and lawyers are looking out for your best interests, you will surely want to watch this.
i find it most interesting that the only individuals out of this group that think more government intervention will help solve the various current health care problems (which began with government intervention) were the "noobs" -- the overly optimistic med school students who are freshly out of several years of public education indoctrination who have never practiced medicine in the real world -- very telling indeed! 8-)
(i also found the satellite pictures of the arctic between Jan 2000 ~ May 2009 at the top of the page very interesting, but i won't comment on that at this point.)
bernard baruch carman
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- seeker of truth / seeder of truth •∞Liberty
- infinity games ∞ infinity solutions ∞ audio/Mac specialist

Monday, October 19, 2009

anti-American "hatewatch" group concerned about OathKeepers... GOOD! 8-)

those in disagreement of Constitutionally limited government accountable to the rule of law are either inherently enemies of LIBERTY, or have been deceived into believing socialism/fascism/(name your authoritarian/tyrannical government) is worthy of dispensing with our unalienable individual liberties for the "greater good".

those who now wonder "where were these folks when Bush was in office" are obviously uninformed about the truth of the matter.

since joining the ranks of American patriots concerned with the direction of America in the 90's, i learned that there HAS BEEN a faction within the military & law enforcement who DO take their oath of office SERIOUSLY - they just hadn't officially organized until 2009 as the OathKeepers.

also noteworthy, the anti-American actions of each Presidential administration serve as more "straws placed upon the camel's back".  these straws also serve in waking up Americans from all across the political spectrum.  as the Federal Government CONTINUES to act anti-American, We the People will CONTINUE to take sharper notice and rise up to oppose these enemies DOMESTIC, just as We have over time opposed various enemies FOREIGN.

this is the charge of the OathKeepers.  there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING sinister about mandating that American governing authorities OBEY THE LAW and act within their Constitutional limits.

it is only those who prefer rule of whim to rule of law who are "concerned" about such a group as the OathKeepers.

Potok and his Southern Poverty Law Center ironically display a total lack of understanding of LAW & LIBERTY, especially if they are pro-gun control and simultaneously against law abiding military & law enforcement.  people like this who are ready to cry "RACISM" at the mere advancement of holding government accountable to the rule of law are the REAL dangers to the future of America!


bernard baruch carman
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- seeker of truth / seeder of truth • • ∞Liberty 
infinity games ∞ infinity solutions ∞ audio/Mac specialist

READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States 
Group asks police and military to lay down arms in response to orders deemed unlawful

Depending on your perspective, the Oath Keepers are either strident defenders of liberty or dangerous peddlers of paranoia. In the age of town halls, talk radio and tea parties, middle ground of opinion is hard to find. Launched in March by Las Vegan Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers bills itself as a nonpartisan group of current and retired law enforcement and military personnel who vow to fulfill their oaths to the Constitution...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pepsi and the Rise and Fall of ObamaMarketing

after you spend countless hours searching through the better half of northern NJ with your best friend visiting from overseas in hopes of finding an Obama Chia Head for sale, this video (below my signature) is somehow special to me... but not as special as watching Pete go into a pharmacy deep in the heart of Brooklyn, NY and ask for one -- dang, i so wish i had taken a picture of that event! 8-)
apparently, that particular item of ObamaMarketing was found by some to be offensive, therefore many stores removed it from their shelves! ;-) Pete was often asked if he liked Obama or not, to which he replied, "i'm indifferent"... he perhaps should have said, "i'm Swiss -- i'm neutral! regardless, i don't know how that would have gone over by the rather large and somewhat perturbed cashier at that Brooklyn pharmacy! 8-)
but seriously, it is very interesting (to say the least) how for the very first time in America, massive marketing campaigns, even by long time companies such as Pepsi, jumped on a Presidential marketing campaign.
after all, that's free market capitalism at its best!
... which is something that confuses me to some degree...
if neo-progressives are so hell bent on replacing free market capitalism with socialism, why do they seem to enjoy capitalism so much? ;-)
Coca-Cola should have responded to Pepsi's short term ad campaign accordingly!
bernard baruch carman
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- seeker of truth / seeder of truth •∞Liberty
- infinity games ∞ infinity solutions ∞ audio/Mac specialist
Pepsi and the Rise and Fall of ObamaMarketing 13 October 2009 @ 6:22PM In the summer of 2008, I noticed something I'd never seen before. All around midtown Manhattan, on various sidewalks, people were selling cheap plastic trinkets out of open briefcases propped atop folding tray tables. To anyone who's spent any time in New York City—where makeshift sidewalk vendors are more plentiful than Starbucks—that probably doesn't sound so strange. But as someone who's lived here since before the Reagan/Carter election, these vendors were different. Rather, the nature of what they sold was different. <>