GOP Seethes at Biden Mandate, Even in States Requiring Other Vaccines
To Yahoo!news ( & NY Times (
Starting with the most blatant toward the front of the article:
“… debunked claims that vaccines cause autism” — FALSE! Claims that vaccines can cause autism have never been debunked. To say otherwise is not only absurd but blatantly deceitful.
Then there is the typical statistical gaming going on, whereby it is stated that because Mississippi was in last place for vaccinations throughout the country, that must be the cause of it being one of the “hardest-hit States”. Yet, conveniently not reported is the percentage of those now suffering and/or dying with COVID-delta that had already been "fully vaccinated” — a statistic we will certainly never truly know.
Regardless, so far nearly everyone I know of who has contracted COVID-delta had also already been “fully vaccinated”. So much for the COVID vaccine’s “effectiveness”.
Another prime example of deceit which continues to spread faster than COVID is evidenced by this recent AL Governor Kay Ivey statement: “It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” [for the deadly coronavirus surge].
So, don’t blame the creators of COVID — Fauci and all those connected with the Wuhan lab working on gain of function — or all those engaging in blatant censorship of alternative treatments to the mainstream narrative.
NOPE! Blame is being placed precisely where we said over a year ago it would falsely be placed: on those who refuse to comply with such acts of tyranny!
This is an interesting concept I’ve asked people to consider prior to being censored on MSM. Perhaps those who believe such fantastical ideas ought to ask themselves if they have suddenly lost faith in “Vaxxinity”, their vaccination religion. Because if these so called “vaccines” are so effective, those who put their faith in them have absolutely nothing to worry about.
The article is only worthwhile in that it:
1. Points out the hypocrisy among some Republicans who champion their own vaccine mandate laden State, while of course conveniently ignoring the massive hypocrisy among the entire Democratic Party;
2. Suggests some might “also tinker with the idea that maybe all of these childhood vaccines are an overreach of government” — because in fact, ALL of such childhood vaccines ARE certainly examples of government overreach!
Government overreach has become the norm in Neo-Amerika, and arguably has been since 1913. The partisan duopoly never questions whether or not tyranny should be tolerated, but rather how much tyranny can be gotten away with. Most everything that occurred in 2020 should have made this clear to anyone with at least a modest degree of perception and a partially functioning brain.
But at least Yahoo is so very concerned about its community that it has suspended article commenting:
"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting"
In other words, Yahoo! doesn’t want people who recognize such deceit to point it out to others, so it engages in the same censorship that has now become routine among the BIG TECH collectivists.
The topper is watching these mainstream collectivist newscasters calling people “stupid” who don’t rely on BIG PHARMA in maintaining good health, but rather upon boosting their immune systems through natural and common sense practices.
Heck, even talk of various pharmaceuticals which do not match the mainstream “GET THE VACCINE!” mantra have been censored — so much for all these claims of F-MSM who clamor for trusting the “science”! (Why would anyone having a sound mind trust those who cannot seem to agree with even the most basic of all sciences regarding gender — BIOLOGY!)
Everyone must decide individually whether or not to trust the STATE, along with its sponsored BIG PHARMA companies whose primary goal is nothing more than to make untold wealth, while it continues to deem as “safe” all sorts of medicines and food products which have been proven to be toxic over recent decades (Revelation 18:23).
Of course, after having personally faced tyranny from the same STATE which continues to falsely use the slogan “Land of the Free”, I will never trust anything the STATE claims in this world.
The mainstream will continue to claim that obedience to the corrupt STATE and its corrupt agencies equates to “showing respect toward one’s greater community”.
Those of us who have yet to be indoctrinated into the Philosophy of Collectivism know full well that true respect among people equates to honoring the Creator-given Natural Rights of every individual.
I will choose a path that's clear — I will choose freewill!
In liberty,
bernard baruch carman
- truth seeker/seeder • audio engineer • musician
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