Our NC Governor doesn't seem to understand that when gov't departments are CUT, those departments will receive LESS public funding.
Ron Paul 2012 • RonPaulWNC • LibertyAsheville
- infinity games ∞ audio/Mac specialist
Am I missing something here, or should I not be surprised that such backward thinking is spawned by a backward education system?
YES Governor Perdue, that's the entire point of BUDGET CUTS — to spend LESS money that we DO NOT have! If only the rest of the NC Legislature — along with the majority of the US Congress — would understand how economics actually works, it might stop OVER SPENDING into the abyss of never ending DEBT!
Further, it has come to my attention that we desperately NEED some public education cuts in NC. For example, I hope these so called "teachers" exemplified in the following links were cut, and I also hope we cut any others like them:
http://www.theblaze.com/ stories/ n-c-teacher-tells-student-he-co uld-be-arrested-for-talking-ba dly-about-obama/
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ezrUd8xH0gQ
The "teacher" in the second link was apparently employed here in Asheville. Notice how she browbeats this young child for disagreeing with her choice of support, saying that her daddy will be forced to stay in Iraq for 100 years if McCain is elected as President. As the YouTube user states, "You know that if a conservative-minded white teacher - had done this to a black student, the poor abused child would be on every television talk show!"
Such pathetic excuses for "teachers" that push their political partisanship upon impressionable children should never be allowed to disgrace our NC classrooms! If these two examples are any indication whatsoever of the standard by which the NC education system employes its teachers, then we have a LOT of cutting left to do.
Further, throwing more money at a problem will not necessarily fix the problem. The continued act of doing so while expecting a different outcome is one form or indication of insanity.
It appears that no matter how much money is thrown at the Neo-Amerikan public education system, it continues to fail. Case in point: Waiting for Superman [ http://www.waitingforsuperman.com/action/page/production-about-production ]
Governor Perdue — and NC State Legislature — Please STOP investing in the FAILED public education system. Please STOP trying to make every issue PARTISAN. Please STOP working AGAINST the People of NC.
Rather, invest in QUALITY education, because QUALITY is more important for our future than QUANTITY.
As always, in liberty...
bernard baruch carman
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- truth seeker/seeder • SeedsOfTruth.org • ∞Liberty
On Jun 4, 2012, at 5:16 PM, Office of the Governor wrote:
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