Thursday, July 20, 2017

ETHOS - Woody Harrelson Film Review

Top Documentary Films - Woody Harrelson ETHOS Time To Unslave Humanity

While this movie includes a mere glimpse into the paramount subject of the Federal Reserve banking cartel as well as certain violations of our [Natural] Rights, it also conveniently omits highly important data crucial to the general subject matter and presents extremely deceptive fundamental falsehoods regarding the contract of the United States of America.

It fails to mention the fact that corporations did not create themselves — rather, they are creations of the Federal government.  Corporations have no power or advantages other than that which the government gives them.  Such is why corporations buy politicians in order to create biased legislation which favors themselves.  Some officials of corporations have even occasionally left their company in pursuit of Congressional seats in order to do so.

Yet, this movie perpetuates the typical ignorant collectivist railing against corporations blaming them for their “greed”, while all the time the real culprit of the corruption has been the Federal government for giving them special legal privileges and perks.

The movie erroneously asserts Capitalism to be the cause of this corporate corruption.  However, collectivists are either ignorant or deceptive when they erroneously blame America’s economic condition upon Capitalism — they should be placing such blame upon the Federal government which created all this corporate corruption, which is also known as “Crony Corporatism”.

The fact is that America has not been a Capitalist nation since at least 1913, when the Federal Reserve was created violating the US Constitution with regard to legal “money” and prohibiting any semblance of a free market currency and economy.

Ever since, American governments at all levels have continued to violate the otherwise free market, which is Capitalism.  When government interferes with and/or regulates the market in any way, the market is not longer free.

One collectivist interviewed in the movie erroneously stated that the long running struggle in America has been between “Capitalism and Democracy… and clearly Capitalism is winning”.  Besides exhibiting the commonly held ignorance over the simple meaning of Capitalism equating to a “free market”, apparently this man is also ignorant of the fact that Capitalism and Democracy are two separate and incomparable systems: Capitalism being economic and Democracy being one of government construct.

What he means to say is that the struggle has been between the economic ideologies of Capitalism VS Socialism.  These opposing social economic political ideologies are respectively rooted in the larger fundamental battle between the philosophies of Individualism VS Collectivism, which respectively honor VS dishonor individual free will.

However, this true battle of philosophies will not be addressed by the mainstream partisan duopoly, its schools, and its media, because their goal is to perpetuate the false “liberal/left VS conservative/right” paradigm which continues to divide Americans through its deceit while the duopoly remains in power.

Predictably, the movie also perpetuates the false concept that America was intended to be a “democracy”, when the truth is that it was constructed as a democratically elected republic.  This was the intention of the American founders, but for the reason that they desired to thwart pure democracy and thus minimize the chances of rapid and drastic changes to the fundamental construct of the American Federal government system and its balance of powers.

Far more crucial to the subject matter at hand than the distraction of the democracy-republic construct debate, the paramount truth and narrative continually lacking among the mainstream partisan duopoly, its schools, and its media, is that regarding the principles of Natural Rights upon which America was originally founded.

According to the Declaration of Independence, along with the US Constitution and Bill of Rights which were designed to limit government rather than the people, the primary function, purpose, and service of a government of, by, and for a free people is to protect the unalienable Natural Rights of the Individual through the Rule of Law.  Therefore, to maximize peace, prosperity, and liberty, a society must establish a government whose Civil Law is rooted in, and will never violate, Natural Law.

The movie fails to reveal such truths which are at the core of government corruption that nearly everyone complains about, as it continues its erroneous assault upon [government created] corporate entities for perpetuating war via the Military Industrial Complex.  In doing so, it fails to reveal the fact that the Federal Reserve banking scheme (illegally allowed by the Federal government) is what makes endless war possible by creating phony money out of thin air (fiat currency).  Again: a controlled currency and economy is NOT a free market and is therefore NOT Capitalism!

It also fails to reveal the fact that this immoral banking scam is the primary cause for the 99% who are inaccurately pointing at corporations as being the source of this ever widening wealth gap.  Rather, crimes of high treason should be brought up against the Federal government for allowing a non-Federal cartel of bankers to create wealth for themselves to the detriment of all Americans in perpetuity in the form of endless debt.

This is a very dangerously deceptive pro-Collectivist movie in that it provides a little bit of truth, yet a lot of omissions of truth as well as blatant deceit — most notably the lie that America has been a Capitalist nation since 1913.

The real incredible irony is that the final message of the movie suggests spending our money to support “those companies that do business in a socially responsible way” — in other words, practice Capitalism as much as you can in a largely otherwise Socialized economy!

By doing so the movie inadvertently admits that Capitalism WORKS and Socialism FAILS!  LOL!


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