Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Collectivists advocate “equality”, however, they rarely acknowledge the kind of “equality” which a free society necessitates.

I came across the following article regarding the proliferation of plutocracies in modern times, featuring an interview with one Branko Milanovic, who was attributed as “one of the world’s foremost authorities on inequality”:

Branko Milanovic on inequality and the new global plutocracy

The article includes much chatter about plutocracies via "political capitalism", yet there is not one mention about how the control and manipulation of fiat currencies has created the largest financial banking scam in the history of mankind, allowing an elite ruling class to become super wealthy while the working masses bear the burden of the perpetually increasing debt incurred by the scam.  This economic scam is the primary cultivator of plutocracies.

A paramount fact which collectivists apparently refuse to acknowledge is that "capitalism" really means "free market", of which there are none in the entire world besides the unregulated black market.  Whenever a government imposes regulations upon the otherwise free market, the market is no longer "free" and therefore cannot accurately be called "Capitalism".

"Equality" should have absolutely nothing to do with the redistribution of wealth, as collectivists routinely assert.  Rather, it should have everything to do with ensuring the unalienable Natural Rights of the individual has equal protection under the rule of law.

In such a legal construct where the STATE performs its proper function in a free society, peace, prosperity, and liberty will be maximized.  By contrast, when the STATE allows — or itself commits — violations of Natural Rights (such as interfering with the otherwise free market), turmoil, poverty, and tyranny is maximized.


bernard baruch carman
∞ ∞ ∞
Natural Rights Coalition — Principles

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